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Mastering ACID Properties in Databases: Ensure Reliable Transactions

Published: at 11:00 am

If you’ve ever worked with databases, you’ve probably heard of ACID — the four fundamental properties that ensure your transactions remain reliable, even in the face of errors or crashes.

In this post, we’ll break down Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, showing how each one keeps your data safe and sound.

Table of contents

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Atomicity in Databases: Ensuring All or Nothing

Think of a transaction as an indivisible unit—like an atom.

Consistency in Databases: Maintaining Integrity

Your database should always remain valid, adhering to predefined constraints and rules.

Isolation Levels in Databases: Preventing Interference

Even when multiple transactions run simultaneously, they shouldn’t interfere with each other.

Durability in Databases: Ensuring Permanent Changes

Once a transaction is committed, it’s permanent—even in the event of a crash or power loss.

ACID Properties

Quick Recap

Understanding and applying these ACID principles can elevate the reliability of your database systems, ensuring your data stays consistent and safe under all circumstances.

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